10 low maintenance indoor plants for temperate climate which will make your house greener

indoor plants

Indoor plants – they’re a vibe, aren’t they? Not only do they instantly brighten up any room, but they also purify the air and add that touch of calmness we all need. But let's be real for a second – not everyone has the time (or the knack) to take care of high-maintenance divas. Some of us want the green aesthetic without feeling like we’ve signed up for a part-time gardening job. Especially with the unpredictable climate – wet one day, dry the next, dark skies in winter – we need indoor plants that can thrive without demanding too much attention. So, what’s the solution?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a roundup of the top 10 low-maintenance indoor plants that’ll thrive in temperate climate without giving you plant-parent anxiety.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Let’s kick things off with the Snake Plant, often dubbed the "ultimate beginner’s plant." This guy is practically indestructible. It’s tough, adaptable, and can survive in various lighting conditions – bright light, low light, you name it. Perfect for temperate climents, especially in winter when natural light is often a rare commodity. Plus, you only need to water it sparingly. Think once every couple of weeks – it’ll forgive you for forgetting it’s even there.

Benefits: It filters toxins from the air, it’s stylish, and it practically looks after itself. What’s not to love?

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snake plant

(Image credit: Amazon)

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia)

The ZZ plant is a minimalist’s dream. With its glossy leaves and upright growth, it looks sleek and modern. This plant is low-light tolerant and drought-resistant, which is perfect if your home doesn’t get a ton of sunlight or if you’re prone to neglect. Overwatering is its kryptonite, so let it dry out before you give it another drink.

Benefits: It thrives on benign neglect. You could leave it alone for weeks, and it’ll still look fab.

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(Image credit: Amazon)

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

Spider Plants are like that easygoing friend who's always in a good mood. They’re resilient and adapt to almost any condition, whether it’s a bright windowsill or a shady corner. They’re also non-toxic, making them perfect for homes with pets or kids. Water them once a week, and they’ll reward you by growing these adorable little baby plants (spiderettes) that you can propagate and share with friends.

Benefits: They’re one of the most reliable air purifiers, and those spiderettes? Adorable!

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Spider Plant

(Image credit: Amazon)

Aloe Vera

Not only does Aloe Vera look cool, but it’s also your go-to plant for any minor kitchen burns or skin irritations (just snap off a leaf and use the gel). Aloe thrives in bright, indirect sunlight, which works for temperate climents. It’s a succulent, meaning it stores water in its thick leaves, so don’t overdo it with the watering. Once every two to three weeks is plenty.

Benefits: Dual-purpose – looks great and doubles as a skincare product. What more could we ask for?

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Aloe Vera

(Image credit: Amazon)

Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

If you’re into trailing plants that cascade elegantly from shelves or hanging pots, the Pothos is your new best friend. It’s known for being practically unkillable and will tolerate low light, neglect, and infrequent watering. Just water it when the soil feels dry, and it’ll keep producing those lush green (sometimes variegated) leaves.

Benefits: It grows fast, trails beautifully, and gives off serious jungle vibes.

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Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum)

(Image credit: Amazon)

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily is the epitome of elegance. Those graceful white flowers that bloom intermittently are like nature’s minimalist artwork. What’s even better? This plant is very low-maintenance. It enjoys moderate indirect light and prefers its soil to be kept moist, but it’s quite forgiving if you miss a watering or two. It also tells you when it’s thirsty by drooping slightly – no guesswork involved!

Benefits: It’s a natural air purifier and its flowers give any room a zen-like, tranquil vibe.

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Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

(Image credit: Amazon)

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior)

True to its name, the Cast Iron Plant is as tough as nails. It’s practically immortal and can handle low light, low humidity, and irregular watering. It’s an ideal choice if you have a dimly lit flat or if you’re prone to leaving for weekends without worrying about your plants.

Benefits: It’s hardy, adaptable, and perfect for neglectful plant parents. And it still looks lush with minimal care.

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Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior)

(Image credit: Amazon)

Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)

For those of us who love a statement plant, the Rubber Plant ticks all the boxes. It has large, glossy, dark green leaves that instantly command attention. The best part? It’s low maintenance. Give it bright, indirect light and water when the top inch of soil is dry, and it’ll grow tall and proud. You might even end up needing to trim it back eventually.

Benefits: It’s bold, beautiful, and gives off serious “I have my life together” vibes without much effort.

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Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)

(Image credit: Amazon)

Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)

The Jade Plant is a small succulent that’s believed to bring good luck and prosperity (we could all use a bit of that, right?). It’s slow-growing but doesn’t require much from you. Bright light and a good soak when the soil is dry are all it asks for. It’s ideal for those sunny spots in your home, but it won’t throw a tantrum if it doesn’t get consistent light.

Benefits: It’s compact, cute, and said to be a money magnet. Let’s hope!

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Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)

(Image credit: Amazon)


Finally, we’ve got the Philodendron. There are many varieties, but all share the same laid-back attitude to care. They’ll tolerate low light, though they prefer medium to bright indirect light, and they don’t need frequent watering. Just give them a drink when the top couple of inches of soil feel dry, and they’ll keep their heart-shaped leaves coming.

Benefits: Its lush green leaves add that tropical flair without needing a tropical climate.

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Philodendron live

(Image credit: Amazon)


Final Thoughts: Bring on the Greenery, Without the Guilt!

Indoor plants don’t have to be high-maintenance divas to be beautiful and bring life into your home. With these low-maintenance indoor plants, you can enjoy all the benefits of a green space without the constant worry of keeping them alive. The climate might be moody, but these plants? They’ll stay happy and healthy with minimal fuss. So, whether you’re a newbie plant parent or just want to fill your space with more greenery without adding to your to-do list, these plants have your back!

Now, who’s ready to get some easy-going greenery into their space?